Sales Mistakes to Avoid


In sales, there are a number of common mistakes you should avoid in order to be good at your sales process so that you can ‘close the sale’ and get in more business and increase your profits.   Here are my top tips to handle your sales well: Ø Not having a clear sales process.   Having […]

Writing Marketing That Gets You Business

Donna Prof 02

Poorly written marketing pieces can really cost you big time! It’s not just about the cost of that particular marketing piece or advertisement but as much about the lost business you will never see because you didn’t engage your audience. Here are my five top tips to writing a winning piece. 1. Who are you […]

Year end tax planning

Donna Prof 02

Each year as June approaches I wonder where the heck the year has gone. Year end preparation doesn’t just occur on 30 June – it starts much earlier, so even around April review this list and get started with your plan on how to get through end of financial year with minimal stress. Accountant. See […]

10 Tips from a Woman in Business 10 Years


We all know statistically more than 80% of businesses fail to reach their 10 year anniversary. So as a woman who has hit double digits, here’s my TOP 10 TIPS TO SUCCESS. 1. Learn. I cannot emphasise this enough. Learn everything you can, from attending workshops, training days, reading books, magazines, text books and even […]

8 Tips for Effective Networking

Donna Prof 02

Do you really know how to network effectively?  I see so many business people who just don’t do it right.  We all know the adage “first impressions count” so here are practical tips to get it right. Have your tools.  Don’t attend a function without business cards.  Saying to a prospective client who has asked for your card “they’re […]

The 7 Deadly Sins of Bookkeeping

Donna Prof 02

I’m not referring to religion, although I can definitely see a correlation between gluttony and dishonesty or between sloth and not keeping any bookkeeping records. Like the biblical sins, doing the wrong thing in your bookkeeping could have you having a devil of a time facing the ATO at your time of reckoning when you have […]

How to Avoid Theft & Fraud in Your Small Business

Donna Prof 02

It’s not only large faceless corporations that experience theft and fraud – every business can.  Whether it’s tools, or stock, money or time – we’re all susceptible.  In fact possibly small business is more vulnerable because there are usually no checks and protective systems in place and one person is often doing many of the duties.  Prevention doesn’t […]

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