Do’s and Dont’s when advertising your next job vacancy

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Do’s and Dont’s when advertising your next job vacancy

Are you a small business looking at recruiting your next staff member? Our #tipoftheday will help you attract top, local talent with a clear and effective job advertisement.

Follow our do’s and don’ts for writing a successful listing:

✅ Clearly define the role and responsibilities
✅ Highlight unique team culture and benefits
✅ Use specific and inclusive language
✅ Provide a comprehensive salary range

❌ Discriminate on the basis of protected characteristics
❌ Use vague or overly broad language
❌ Overpromise job duties or compensation
❌ Neglect to mention essential qualifications
❌ Ask for more years of experience in a similar role than is absolutely necessary (this may limit who’s eligible to apply)

Use these tips above to post your Ad with confidence – and of course, make sure you add your listing to our very own Redlands Coast Jobs Board.



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