5 top tips for job seeker looking for employment in the electrical industry

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5 top tips for job seeker looking for employment in the electrical industry

Are you a young job seeker looking for employment in the electrical industry? Here are 5 top tips from Aaron Weir, Managing Director at Azz Industrial Electrical Contracting and Redlands Coast Chamber of Commerce Committee Member 👇


1. Gain valuable work experience:

Before committing to a career path, seek out work experience opportunities. It’s like trying on shoes before buying – you’ll discover if it’s the right fit for you. Hands-on experience helps you understand the daily ins and outs of a field, making it easier to decide if it’s what you want to pursue.


2. Explore the diversity within your field:

While electrical work may seem uniform, it’s far from it. Each business has its unique niches and work styles. Don’t settle for the first opportunity you find. Explore different businesses to get a taste of the variety within the field. You might discover a specialty that truly resonates with you.


3. Persistancy pays off:

When job hunting, persistence is key. Don’t be discouraged by initial rejections. Keep making those calls and sending those emails. Employers appreciate your initiative in reaching out directly. Remember, it’s you they want to get to know, not your parents or anyone else.


4. Adapt to your environment:

In any professional setting, it’s essential to read the room. If you’re in a formal, buttoned-up environment, be respectful and professional. If it’s more relaxed, adjust accordingly. Your ability to adapt shows your versatility and people skills.


5. First impressions count:

Always put your best foot forward. Dress sharp, mind your manners, and bring a positive personality to the table. Your employers will expect professionalism, and this will help you stand out.


The Redlands Regional Jobs Committee is proudly supported and funded by the Queensland Government.




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