Redlands Coast Health Precincts

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Redlands Coast Health Precincts

Redlands Coast Health Precincts

The Redlands Coast is suffering a shortfall of 234 health professionals which is expected to skyrocket as population, ageing and the rate of serious health conditions increase.

With the population on the Redlands Coast ageing faster than expected, the demand for healthcare is growing rapidly. Additionally, 37.2% of residents on the Redlands Coast are living with a long-term health condition (a figure much higher than the Queensland average and all surrounding Local Government Areas), therefore ensuring access to a range of health services and addressing the demand for more health sector jobs in the region is critical.

The Redlands Coast is poised for a much-needed health care expansion with seven major health projects in the pipeline including hospital expansions and the creation of more health care precincts. Two of these projects have already been completed and have been providing essential services to the community for the last two years.

Although these projects will alleviate some of the pressure on the current health care system, the shortage of health professionals and workers on the Redlands Coast is still expected to grow, which will continue to result in residents needing to travel outside of the region to access certain health care resources and services.

To address this outflow of people and economic activity, Champion Redlands Coast are focused on driving strong health precincts as a critical element in the sustainable economic and bright future of the Redlands Coast. When strong health precincts exist within a region then new investment will drive required business, investment and employment opportunities to ensure the growing health needs of the community continue to be met, now and into the future.

The six outcomes of a strong health precinct in a region, include:

  • Catalytic Infrastructure – an increase in community infrastructure and amenity that provides opportunities towards improved SEQ connectivity
  • More Jobs, Local Education and Skills – creation of collaborative partnerships between education and health investment creates future workforces, and leverages existing human capital
  • Increased Competitiveness – research and innovation partnerships between industry, government and universities are achievable
  • More Business and Investment – increased investor confidence, local business growth, and deepening regional supply chain opportunities
  • Community Spirit and Culture – by leveraging placemaking opportunities around health precincts to build stronger community connections
  • Enhanced Lifestyle – improved the quality of life through excellence in health

Health care is one of the top three growing industries on the Redlands Coast with the most recent census data showing the local health care and social assistance industry provides 7,459 jobs and generates $611 million into the Redlands Coast economy.

The promotion and encouragement for the creation of more jobs and better services for locals to support the growing the economy is essential for the bright future of the Redlands Coast, the place we choose to live, work and play.


Pipeline Projects – Health

Pipeline project: Project will deliver: Status:
Redlands Health and Wellness Precinct


  • Improved health services including specialist and acute tertiary health
  • Employment and training opportunities including research and development and advanced medical goods manufacturing
Redland Hospital Emergency and Birthing expansion
  • Extra four short stay beds for the emergency department
  • An additional birthing suite and three birthing pools
Redlands Hospital Expansion


  • A new intensive care unit
  • Refurbishment of a number of existing areas in the hospital
  • Additional beds to increase hospital capacity


Being delivered
Soulitude Healing Retreat


  • 61-unit health and wellness retreat
Cleveland Wellness Precinct


  • 135 Independent living units
  • 160 RACF assisted units
  • 76 Keyed Medi Hotel
  • Private hospital, medical suites, medical school and retail
Hub 68, Centre of Excellence for Ageing and Wellness


  • General practice, allied health, medical specialist, day surgery, inpatient care
  • Assisted living for the NDIS and elderly
Redland City Medical Centre and Skin Cancer Clinic


  • GP and accredited skin cancer services
  • Nutritional advice and Mental Health
  • Paediatrics and Immunisation
  • Pre-employment checks and medical insurance






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